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The Scandinavian and Baltic coast winters really are long and severe, so much so that people there spend most of their time indoors for over half the year. To counter this forced captivity, they make their interior space as cozy and comfortable as possible, and have been doing this since as long as anyone can remember.

Daily use items are not only exquisitely crafted, they are made to be beautiful and lasting without any growing tired of them. We here at Axel Japan are trying to capture this almost magical essence and present the best of it to you.

Not only limited to Scandinavian and Baltic genius, we hope to present you with the best of high quality basic slow life items from the best hand crafters throughout Europe and other select parts of the world.

And not just during the difficult days of winter but throughout the whole year we would like to instill this hard earned joy of life, continually creating comfort in high quality new ideas for living the good life.

会社名 有限会社アクセルジャパン
代表者 城戸恭浩
〒164-0001 東京都中野区中野3-28-3MAP
連絡先 TEL : 03-3382-1760 FAX : 03-3382-1769
Corporate Name Axel Japan Corp.
President Yasuhiro Kido
Address 3-28-3 Nakano Nakano-ku, Tokyo Japan 164-0001
Contact TEL : +81-3-3382-1760 FAX : +81-3-3382-1769

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